Thursday, October 18, 2007

back from the dead

well, this post is either gonna be awfully long and boring or really short and irritating. sorry guys, no way out here coz im writing after almost a year so u gotta cut me some slack. start with, the only explanation for my looong,boooring,yawwwning and almost vanished absence is but obviously my laziness. life has been umm...quite a rollercoaster ride in the past 8-10 months. well, for one i passed outta b-school, went on a holiday to the hills [actually went just till mussorie,but saying hills sounds more fun :)], joined work, moved to mumbai and then life came to a stand-still. i'm currently considering running away and living in the forest or something to start having fun again. Ohkayy, before i start rambling about something more nonsensical again, i'm gonna split this post into 3 parts; in an attempt to making it a decent read and to not digress which i have lately mastered in.
ok, ok, read on, you'll know what the 3 parts are for...

Part 1: bye-bye Poona/Pune/b-school/room no.13 - April 2007 heralded the end of my dreamarish* stint called b-schooling in Pune. [*dreamarish=dream+nightmare]

dreamarish because it was a dream till december and then suddenly turned into a nightmare for 2 months and then came back to normalcy.i will refrain from talking about the nightmarish part because i dont intend to dwell upon things which are best left behind in the dark hallows of the mond to rot into oblivion. ok! i'm gonna STOP right there!!!

well, coming back to the point; [or so i think] life in Pune came to a teary end... had to let go of friends, my beautiful flat, my uncomfortable bed,my life as a short had to move on. all that to become another fish in the vast and stinky corporate ocean.
well, it was definitely an overwhelming experience to say the least. for one,this was one day every single person in college knew they would have to come to but somehow, how much ever one prepares for it one still falls short of the ammo to deal with the emotional upheavals on the d-day.all that i can remember of that day was my stepping out of room no:13 and knowing i'll never return to it with the same authority again, the second thing was leaving my was horrendous.i wanted to cry and not let go of the keys to it. that place is filled with the memories of some of the best times i've had in my entire life [well,it has some really terrible ones too,but i let them be]it was like leaving something really valueable behind knowingly... but then, somethings are better as memories only i guess.thirdly, the scene at the railway station where i hugged sebi, susheel,nida and crying my eyes out.finally and most painfully, the ride back home. it was such a confusing set of emotions i was going thru that only if u were ever in that situation would you be able to understand.i was glad that i was gonna be on home turf again;but leaving behind another precious part of my life was adding to the chaos.and without doubt,ashwini[my sister-she had come down to help me in moving out] was mortified with the way i was behaving. she was sympathetic but was wondering why i was soo shattered about moving outta Pune...well, that was her take.anyways, all's well that ends well i guess... and the Pune chapter of my life came to a teary halt so that i could move on in life maybe to have more vibrant chapters and to be able to cherish this one in the best possible way.

Part 2: Home, holiday, joining work, and more - homecoming was! i'm just not able to find a word/sentence that could encompass the feeling.

it was way too shortlived for comfort but atleast it what i console myself with nowadays.
I dint let myself to get comfortable with the at home feeling because i knew i would have to snap out of it sooner than i would want to.

so, before i joined work i went on this trip. this was my first trip up north... [okay,okay, the northest i had been till then was mumbai] so, i went to delhi,meerut, rishikesh, dehradun, mussorie and haridwar. all this in about 8 days;it was definitely tiring but truck loads of fun,shopping and getting roasted in the north-indian heat. but worth every minute and penny spent. Thanks a ton Shwets for making this happen. If it wasn't for your motivation and planning i would have still been dreaming about visiting all those beautiful places. Luv ya girl!

That wasn't the end of my travelling spree; i got back home and then left for mysore with my mum for a family celebration to our ancestral village. this place we had to go was near Mysore, actually it is a little further up from mysore called 'Bluff'. YES, BLUFF.
[this is my ancestral village so think twice before you try to pull a fast one, coz i can be pretty ruthless when it comes to landing a punch or two on the nose]

anyways, coming back to my village; the reason its named that was is that when the Brits were ruling, they saw this place and its supposed to be identical to a town called Bluff back in England. Hence, this quaint little village was christened 'Bluff'.

Its actually pretty awesome, with the gaganchukki,barchukki twin waterfalls and a power generating house [the buildings of which are in typical English architecture] its almost unreal. this place is a must visit if you go upto mysore. its about 80kms from there. and most cabbies would know how to take you there is you say sivasamudram/bluff.

So, the family celebration went off beautifully with the weather being unbelievably wonderful.

Life was perfect till then, its only after that reality hit me real hard and I had to join work.

My holiday was over! finito! fini!

May 13th. I reached the once beautiful and now battered city of Bengalooru. 5 days I had to sit through endless lectures in an effort to induct us into the system. all that it managed to do was bore me to death and even more home-sick.
But the worst was yet to come; I went back home for a day and then had to leave for Mumbai. The city of opportunity for many but for me; it is the city of stench, crowded trains and pure maddness.

Part 3: Bombay, Mumbai, Bambai + Invictus

May20th, 2007. A day i think i'm gonna find dificult to forget. unless i suffer from selective amnesia or somethin.

well, that was the day that i set foot in this city. that day i cried... i cried in the loo, in the rick, in bed, at the dinner table. i cried like i was never going back home again. but then the crying had to stop and it did. thats how i got some sleep that night and hence could make it to office at 8am on monday morning. That was the only day that i went to office at 8am...

thats all im gonna talk about mumbai in this post coz, i have to save it for my future posts [i DO intend to continue blogging you see...]

and then then invictus happened. not very recently though, infact more than a year ago. Life hasn't been the same ever since. I dunno wat else to write about that aspect of my life in this post. i'm saving it for another post...

and oh! the other saving grace of my life in mumbai is my buddies from college; Kochi, Manit, Pola, Divs, Mayur, and all the others; life here would have been a pure and unadultrated hellish experience. but god decided to be kind to me in some ways.

okay, you can see from the way this post is going that i'm either, sleepy or bored. i'm very much the former and slowly going towards the latter. its actually 1:30 am and my body clock shuts down around this time i guess..
i've observed that its only when im sleepy that i start making really long sentencs which are boring and bordering on the nonsensical.

so, i'm gonna stop right here for now and then get back to giving finishing touches to this post.
OK! its saturday afternoon and the rest of the weekend is beckoning me...all i've done from the time i got outta bed is laze and drink multiple cups of coffee, read the newspaper and watch a movie called 'crazy for christmas'... but then this is what weekends are meant for right!
Anyways, as expected this one has turned out to be a rather long post; hopefully wont be a boring read for all ye folks.

keep the comments coming in, and have a great weekend and umm try to good week ahead.
P.S: i'm watching bhool bhulaiya tonite, will fill you in on the same. sadly however, i ain't watching the match today. but then lets see what i've missed...

see ya all!

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Blogger Vineet Rajan said...

finally!!! wow! thats a lot of things that have happened...what you talked about here, i would be doing the same in some months. a few more months and everything will be coming to an end. (and you do go on for long ! :-P )
i feel nostalgic already!


6:35 AM, October 20, 2007  
Blogger Aakarsh said...

Good to see You back in the blog. The post did move those photographs across my eyes. (I am however unable to get a picture of you crying..hehehe)..
Congrats for finishing MBA. One picture which moves across was the one with you and me sitting on a desk, 2 years ago...At symbiosis Pune, waiting for interviews!
Life has come Long Way! It will...further!

and dont turn your blog into a semi-annual newsletter.It would be great if you can turn it into a weekly!

6:28 AM, October 25, 2007  
Blogger Nikhil Narayanan said...

when is the next annual report coming!!
kindly post at least monthly, annual reports are long

good one, anyways :)
Phew!!! my eyeballs are sweating....whatay long post!

4:45 AM, October 29, 2007  
Blogger Echoes from Emptiness said...

Well that was a interesting read .!

Nice upfront style of writing .!!

but beware of the one called Invictus
he is from the dark force .!

7:02 PM, November 04, 2007  

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