pet peeves...!!??

the main event of today: teaching scooby to jump. and im sure; infact im definite that he knows about the law of gravity!
picture this: me trying to teach him the nuances of standing up and sitting down when 'told' to do so.
why nuances; coz he doesnt understand commands, he shall work[which in his case is getting up and sitting down] only when he is begged to do so. hence, one fine sunday morning when everyone at my place were off doing important/useful things in life, it was just me and scooby at home who were competing to be the most useless one around[FYI: I WON! :)].
and it was then that the brilliant idea of 'teaching' him some basics of being a dog dawned upon me. and i trotted off to the kitchen to get some goodies for him. and with his favourite goodie in hand[which happens to be a marie biscuit] i summoned him-but my pet fails to understand commands, as i explained earlier. he is by the way the dog who thinks he is a human; hence there is always a power struggle betwen me, scooby and my kid sis.
now how does one possibly explain to a stubborn dog that the bean bag is not always for him to sit on; but normal humans have relatively greater ownership of the bean bag.
okay now coming back to the tution that i intended to give scooby.
the first command worked pretty well...the 'sit' command.
or so i thought. coz, as soon as the goodies vanished, i understood that when he loses interest or prefers to wait for the goodie to come swinging in his mouth; he just sits which i mistook for his obeying my command to sit.
stupid me!
second command-the 'stand' command. just didn't work; he dint see a reason to stand for a goodie which could rather come flying into his mouth and when he was plain tired of my persistent screaming: "stand scooby", he decided to 'switch on' the mute button in his head and continue sitting and in a few seconds he started pretending that he's sleeping. then i finally gave up and pulled up his collar to explain to him that stand means standing all his 4 legs but everything in vain because he doesn't see logic in standing while he might as well sit and be that much more comfortable.
me being typically me, without actually giving up on him, continue with my command session.
third command: jump[ as in jump for the goodie which i throw in the air]
here is when i found out; infact was absolutely sure that he knows about the law of gravity. hence, the situation where he will just not jump for the goodie but will infact patiently wait for it to come back and fall on the ground. not that he doesnt know how to jump or anything; but he just doesn't see logic in jumping for something which will come crashing on to ground eventually.
after that gruelling session; i gave up and sat back with the goodie in hand. and then scooby trotted to the sofa i was resting on and sweetly took the goodie from my hand and trotted back.
then when i thought back, i realised how good the logic is; when i desperately want something, i run behind it to acquire it and i keep trying and trying and trying but when i give up trying; it comes and falls into my lap[figuratively speaking] like it was always mine. [disclaimer: this logic does have its exceptions; and quite a few at that]
bottom line: lady luck is out there always testing your patience; impatience to be precise and when we do show patience and to an extent faith, that thing does eventually become ours, and rightfully at that.
this ofcourse doesn't mean that i sit back and not try for anything, its just about giving it one good try and then having patience.
finally! i did make some good use of the sunday; scooby got his goodies and i got my gyan snaan!
cant comment anything on this alien topic..but i shall be highly grateful if you dont teach scooby to jump on your friends/visitors.
@ akarsh; a comment on the moral of the post would be appreciated if not the topic itself ;)
@willfully: neevu heliddu seriyaage ide nanna nayimari bagge :)
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