Horn OK Please
I suffer from it, im sure you suffer from it too, infact almost every person i know suffers from it...and i bet thats the case with most of the people living in overcrowded cities.
Driving blues...!!!this is worse than a nagging head ache. atleast a headache quitely sits inside your head but this is right there, in your face! and the bad news is: its incurable...!!!
read on...
some of the things which make me feel like carrying a club with me when I set out driving:
People speaking on their cell phones when driving in the fast lane!
This dude who is driving his car suddenly gets a call on his cell phone and despite being in the middle of dense traffic which is driving at an average of 40-50kmph just suddenly slows down and speaks on his cell phone at leisure being oblivious to all the honking and the angry glares he was getting from the rest of the people on the road.
The only thing I was desperately wishing I had a genie who would have magically given me a club to teach that freak some lessons in driving. But then sadly; I realized that we are not still living in the stone age where all issues could be solved with the use of a club.
Another situation which made me wish I had a club with me; people playing blaring music in their cars and being absolutely oblivious to the traffic and incessant honking around them. I can understand that some people have a compulsive disorder to listen to blaring music when driving on vehicle choked roads; but the least they could do is not drive everyone else on the crazy because of their antics.
And who can forget to mention about the bus driver with an over-inflated ego and a sheer disregard to traffic rules. I wish I could explain to the bus driver that wherever he stops doesn’t become the bus’ stopping point; and that places like the middle of the road are definitely not places where he can stop the bus for people to alight!
He is not only causing grave danger for the people who are alighting; he is also creating an extremely annoying traffic jam.
But what crosses all levels of being annoying is when people cross the road by being absolutely oblivious to which vehicle is speeding towards them. The attitude that they have is: “he is the one driving the vehicle, so he better be careful when he is doing so”
Who will tell these ignorant souls that the road is meant for the vehicles hence the pedestrians should be much more careful when they are crossing busy roads.
Now I don’t contend the fact that the drivers also should take maximum care but then how much can a driver be careful too?

All this ranting is the result of sheer exasperation...a result of driving on over-crowded roads, with the most unruly drivers who have anything but commonsense in the tiny lil thing between their ears called brain
[i know how the prev sentence sounds but that was kinda unintended]
I recently was cursed enough to be a part of a situation where the age old pedestrian-driver power struggle was out in full force.
Me driving at 50kmph on a 60kmph limit road and just after I overtook the vehicle that was just before me; out of nowhere I see a pedestrian crossing the road and who to my utter horror was completely oblivious to the vehicle speeding towards him.
I had to bring my vehicle to a screeching halt at about 2 or 3 mtrs away from the pedestrian. And what made me want to bring my club out was the fact that, the mad cap pedestrian didn't even realize the grave danger he was putting himself in and worse my ass would have been on the line if anything would have happened to the car. I felt like my heart was beating in my throat after the incident but that bloody butthead was completely unaffected and worse, he found the whole incident amusing!!! Was wishing it was stone age…using the club would have been mandatory in such a similar situation rather than being a crime.
These are troubled times, law makers do not realize the frustration that they are causing to the general public by making the use of things like clubs, stones etc in order to speak your mind as unlawful.
hmmph!! may god save the world...!
Driving blues...!!!this is worse than a nagging head ache. atleast a headache quitely sits inside your head but this is right there, in your face! and the bad news is: its incurable...!!!
read on...
some of the things which make me feel like carrying a club with me when I set out driving:
People speaking on their cell phones when driving in the fast lane!
This dude who is driving his car suddenly gets a call on his cell phone and despite being in the middle of dense traffic which is driving at an average of 40-50kmph just suddenly slows down and speaks on his cell phone at leisure being oblivious to all the honking and the angry glares he was getting from the rest of the people on the road.
The only thing I was desperately wishing I had a genie who would have magically given me a club to teach that freak some lessons in driving. But then sadly; I realized that we are not still living in the stone age where all issues could be solved with the use of a club.
Another situation which made me wish I had a club with me; people playing blaring music in their cars and being absolutely oblivious to the traffic and incessant honking around them. I can understand that some people have a compulsive disorder to listen to blaring music when driving on vehicle choked roads; but the least they could do is not drive everyone else on the crazy because of their antics.
And who can forget to mention about the bus driver with an over-inflated ego and a sheer disregard to traffic rules. I wish I could explain to the bus driver that wherever he stops doesn’t become the bus’ stopping point; and that places like the middle of the road are definitely not places where he can stop the bus for people to alight!
He is not only causing grave danger for the people who are alighting; he is also creating an extremely annoying traffic jam.
But what crosses all levels of being annoying is when people cross the road by being absolutely oblivious to which vehicle is speeding towards them. The attitude that they have is: “he is the one driving the vehicle, so he better be careful when he is doing so”
Who will tell these ignorant souls that the road is meant for the vehicles hence the pedestrians should be much more careful when they are crossing busy roads.
Now I don’t contend the fact that the drivers also should take maximum care but then how much can a driver be careful too?

All this ranting is the result of sheer exasperation...a result of driving on over-crowded roads, with the most unruly drivers who have anything but commonsense in the tiny lil thing between their ears called brain
[i know how the prev sentence sounds but that was kinda unintended]
I recently was cursed enough to be a part of a situation where the age old pedestrian-driver power struggle was out in full force.
Me driving at 50kmph on a 60kmph limit road and just after I overtook the vehicle that was just before me; out of nowhere I see a pedestrian crossing the road and who to my utter horror was completely oblivious to the vehicle speeding towards him.
I had to bring my vehicle to a screeching halt at about 2 or 3 mtrs away from the pedestrian. And what made me want to bring my club out was the fact that, the mad cap pedestrian didn't even realize the grave danger he was putting himself in and worse my ass would have been on the line if anything would have happened to the car. I felt like my heart was beating in my throat after the incident but that bloody butthead was completely unaffected and worse, he found the whole incident amusing!!! Was wishing it was stone age…using the club would have been mandatory in such a similar situation rather than being a crime.
These are troubled times, law makers do not realize the frustration that they are causing to the general public by making the use of things like clubs, stones etc in order to speak your mind as unlawful.
hmmph!! may god save the world...!
aaaha!! this post should have been on my blog. I have been a victim of this hopeless traffic sense since years, and it penetrated more since last year. Just come over to punjagutta-begumpet and u will get the real picture. And forget club, i always fancy about carrying a pistol...Naah! not to kill pple, but to deflate their tyres (and their egos) then and there.Though it would result in a traffic jam, those rascals will have great time fixing it up.
Our Hydies are gr8 pple.They stop in the middle of a Fly-Over to attend their mobile calls. and who can forget the Eka-chakra experts, auto-drivers. for them, Only 1 tyre exists and rest is taken care by god-knows-who!
and ofcourse, the honk Bastards, whose patience levels are subzero at traffic points. dont mind, i can go on and on..and i will end up writing a post here..Because nothing frustrates me more, in hyderabad, than this bloody traffic...afterall, my drive-time is nearly 2 hours everyday.
btw, nice template. infact, i want to add many things to your blog, like sitemeter,links etc.,.
I liked this one...
U on a serious mode kya?
Ennayithu hudugee???
updates ekkada?
@akarsh: coming soon...
@nikhil: glad that u liked this one. and no im not in a serious mode; its just a sporadic thingie
well, maybe road rage it is...but me thinks its more than road rage. its intolerance of sheer disregard for other people[even if they are strangers]
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and yeah willfully...i will mull over the option of working in the area of road-safety :)
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